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This Will Shock You; See How I Generate Millions Of Views From YouTube To My Site

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Generate Millions Of Views From YouTube To Your Site

Who doesn't know Youtube yet? Of course everyone is very familiar, not with youtube videos that almost all of the world's netizens have access. Youtube is present and is becoming a "friend" by everyone who has the gadget. Ranging from children to adults, men to women. See how to generate million of views from Youtube.

With the very famous YouTube, of course there are many people who do not know the unique youtube, which is actually rarely known. First is the number of youtube users.

Facts about Youtube that are rarely known

Youtube Has One-third Users of Internet Users

There are so many videos that can be united on the youtube site by the users, so it's not surprising that the youtube site has a lot of followers and is often the goal of internet users when they want to search for certain videos.

It turns out you have to know that YouTube has reached 1 billion people worldwide and that number is certainly very fantastic and is the same as 1/3 of internet users in the world.

Per Minute Youtube Statistics

The second unique fact is youtube statistics which are based on the behavior of users and overall users can spend six billion hours watching videos for a month.

You also need to know that most men watch youtube in a day about 4 billion videos and every minute the video can be uploaded to the site and various popular videos within 300 hours.

Youtube has 76 languages ​​in various countries

After being acquired by Google since 2016, of course the video sharing site has been able to provide 76 languages ​​and can have local versions for 70 countries in the world. With the many languages ​​that have been provided, of course, most YouTube visitors are from outside the United States.

Saudi Arabia The Highest Access Country Download on Youtube

You also need to know that Saudi Arabia is the country that has the most youtube sites. This is very strange right? This is because Saudi Arabia is not as free as the other countries in accessing the internet.

Another thing you need to know is in terms of topics that are often searched on youtube. Most of the topics sought are about music and also tutorials. That is another thing and function from youtube that is rarely known by others.

How To Generate Millions Of Views From YouTube To Your Site
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