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How To Process A Commonwealth Scholarship UK Application Form Online 2019

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Commonwealth Scholarship UK Application

How To Process A Commonwealth Scholarship UK Application Form Online 2019 The commonwealth scholarship and fellowship plan also referred to as CSFP is one the most popular and largest scholarship scheme in the world. The CSFP was first introduced in the year 1959 and since then 35000 students have completed their education through this scheme. Out of these 35,000, around 27000 students were provided educational funds by the UK government under the flagship of “Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom”.

Today Commonwealth Scholarship Commission provides fellowships and scholarships to more than 800 commonwealth citizens for professional development and postgraduate study.  The commonwealth shared scholarships provide an opportunity to talented students to nourish their skills and fully explore their hidden talents.  The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission is a mixed blend of 6 themes. These themes are as follows:

  • Opportunity, access, and inclusion
  • Technology and science for development
  • Strengthening response and resilience to different crisis
  • Making health systems stronger
  • Strengthening governance, security, and global peace
  • Spreading prosperity worldwide
Major Benefits

There are several benefits because of which Commonwealth Scholarship Commission is considered as the best scholarship program. Some of the key merits pertaining to this scholarship scheme are as follow

The air charges which you incur by flying from your home country to the UK is taken care of by your university. Of course, the fare is funded by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.
The approved examination fee and tuition charges are all funded by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission program covers all your personal maintenance, fees and fares. The other awards and scholarships that cover similar expenses will not be held alongside.
While applying for the scholarship you need to go through a TB test. The charges of this test will be refunded to you by the university (funded by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission) provided you deposit the test slip to the administration.

A proper living allowance will be provided to you. The allowance very much depends upon your location. The normal allowance is £1,065/ month however if you are pursuing your education in the London metropolitan area then in such a case, your monthly stipend will be £1,306.

The excess baggage allowance is also funded by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission subject to claim and certain conditions.

You may require extra clothes for surviving in a cold atmosphere. Do not worry as you will be provided a proper warm clothing allowance (The allowance is provided where it is applicable).
If you want to make any kind of traveling in the UK for educational purposes then do not worry as funds to this effect will be paid by your respected university. The payment will be funded by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.

How to apply

All applications must be made through your nominating body in your home country. Each nominating body is responsible for its own selection process. You must check with your nominating body for their specific advice and rules for applying, their own eligibility criteria, and their own closing date for applications. The CSC does not impose any age limit on applicants, but nominating bodies may do so in line with their own priorities.

You must make an application using the CSC’s Electronic Application System (EAS), in addition to any other application form that you are required to complete by your nominating body. Click here to contact the scholarship provider for more information on how to apply.

You should be a citizen or an official refuge in a common wealth country. British protected person can also apply.
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